I get bamboozled when I look into this world around me and us. More explicitly when I glance into the system of my great homeland. If we have a glance over the Indian system which may range from educational to social, scientific to mythology, literature to philosophy, laws to rules; at every point imperfections can be seen. Although the great scientist Charles Robert Boyle stated: No matter in the universe is ideal. But being humans and not being perfect animals we must create some difference. India and the great Indians boast to be the superpower by 2020. But are we really progressing towards this goal. A lot of questions need to be answered: Would we be ever able to achieve the point of success? Would we be ever able to be self sufficient. Success as per Henry Ford was defined as “The progressive realization of ones goal”. Are we really progressing??
Having an analysis on the hurdles of our growth the foremost factor to be taken into account is “Change in Mentality” of the Indians. Can we Indians boast of the fact that we are civilized creatures? Definitely NOT. When even an educated Indian citizen is advised to change his/her interim mentality and thinking, they simply point out the problems like poverty, unemployment, scarcity and religion bias. These factors what we are pointing out are just socio economic and natural factors which we have created and we need to cope with the situation. These are not real problems. Once the great scientist and philosopher Eisenstein stated that: So far as the causes refer to reality, they are not certain. And so far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. So we cannot consider these factors merely as the bottleneck of our growth. I would like to state a practical case here which is stated by my friend who is also studying B.Tech with us in our college. The man is a strong supporter of Hinduism and also Indian culture. He even today blabs out as the Muslims destroyed the Ram Mandir of Hindus about 500 years ago, today Hindus have every right to destroy Babri Masjid. Strange. With such level of education people saying this!!! Its just as putting old wine in a new bottle thus curving the level of our progress. Todays politicians with strange piccaunt minds promote such activities and they cry in front of public regarding democracy, sovereignty and development. All these cant follow a long way. India of every Indian’s dream can only be realized in practice if we have a mentality to change ourselves at an individual level.