The dictum of today's lifestyle directs that day is not so far when we humans would return to the stone age thus satisfying the cyclic chain of nature. In todays world with very frank culture arousing superior sexual feelings in today's youth definitely follows the fact that humans are none different than dogs in disposition. In stone age there was no bonds of marriage and there was a concept of free and open sex. Thus polygamy existed all round the world in that age. In that period a man could have sex with a woman at a place and have the same at some other place. What can we compare it with is like dog-bitch scenario. Today's youth speak of the same culture and feel it as their status symbol. The mentality is like this have with one then with other and follow a chain of continuum.
Viewing my above paragraph any one would find conclusion that the man writing the blog is a great idiot lacking every sexual feelings। But friend you are in a wrong trap. I never oppose the fact of living relationships. The people like Shiv Sena are more stupid who thrash the couples celebrating valentine's day on the streets. Once I came through in newspaper that Shiv Sena activists balding the head offs of the couples celebrating valentine's day. The central question comes in our mind whether it is a good practice to have a society with open sex or to have a conservative society. Once I was watching America's classic porn actress selection ceremony "Porn Idol". Are such ideas viable. Although a number of people blab out that such ceremonies are logic and relevant with the fact that these allows every individual to express hidden talent. How can one say Sex demonstration adds to talent and the capability of demonstration is a hidden talent. I spoke to such bastards and said, friends Sex and Sexual Organs are gift of God and Nature and its too inhumanitarian to exploit them. But then the next question comes: friend the mind is also gift of God then why do you exploit your mental ability. True if both are gift of God there is no difference in selling of Minds or Sex. I get bamboozled at this juncture. A number of philosophers like Rajnish Osho said: भोग से मुक्ति . i.e. spirituality can only be achieved by killing your sexual desires which in fact can be achieved when one has done enough of that to kill his desires. Killing desires id also a non sense fact. So a number of points float in the empty brain. It is said beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. So it is now the feelings of the reader to select the right path for him as such arguments have no end and no conclusion.
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